Audi Headlight Warning Light

If you’re like most drivers, you use your headlights at night when you’re on the road. And if you drive an Audi, you may be wondering what that warning light is up in the dashboard. Actually, that light is telling you there’s a problem with one of your headlights and that you need to take care of it. Here’s a guide on how to do just that.

R8 Dashboard Warning Lights

What is an Audi Headlight Warning Light?

If your Audi experiences a headlight warning light, the car will issue a warning sound and illuminate the headlight with a light. This warning may occur when the headlight is not properly aligned, has been damaged, or if it is dirty. If you ignore the warning light and drive with an unaltered headlight, you may be fined by law.

What to do if you receive an Audi Headlight Warning Light

If you receive an Audi Headlight Warning Light, follow the steps below to correct the problem. If the warning light stays on, or if it flashes repeatedly, your car may need to be repaired.

How to Fix an Audi Headlight Warning Light

If your Audi headlight warning light is on, there are a few things you can do to fix the problem.

  • First, make sure that all of your headlights are working properly by checking their output with an impartial light. If one or more of your headlights isn’t operational, you’ll need to replace it before proceeding.
  • Next, check the fuse box for any blown fuses. If none of these solutions work, then your headlight warning light may be due to a defective light bulb. In this case, you’ll need to replace the light bulb and reset the headlight warning indicator.
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