Term of Use

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Dear visitor,

Please read this blog’s terms of use before proceeding.

Below are the terms for our website. Simply click on “accept” or “decline” to see which terms you agree to or disagree with. If you continue using the site, we assume that you have accepted and agreed to these policies.

Dashboard Warning Lights takes feedback and makes changes to our service so we always give the best experience. Any changes made are deemed accepted by the user at all times, so you’ll always see updates on site.

Services offered by Terms Of Use

We use information about our clients’ needs and expectations to provide services that are consistent with their requests. These changes will be effective upon publication on our site.

What are the legal considerations for my blog?

We have established a system of copyright and trademark protection, which allows us to be where our talents and experience are needed. It is against the law to copy text or images from our site without written permission, so keep that in mind when you decide to change anything on our site.

Explanation of what is shown in the Terms of Use

You agree not to break or infringe on the rights of other people on this site.

Visitors have legal and penal responsibility for their website behavior. Neither lights.dashboardwarning.com nor GfH are responsible if visitors cause damages on third parties.

Our website is continually updated with information that is accurate, current and up-to-date. However, there may always be some differences in the information because of these updates.

Lights.dashboardwarning.com has a variety of affiliate partnerships to help maximize your revenue efforts. However, we want you to be aware that some content is provided by third parties that we do not endorse or approve of.

Because our documents are stored in a world-class cloud provider, they are completely secure and will never be infected with a virus. Users should also take measures to protect themselves when accessing and downloading digital files from our site.

Make sure you’re fully aware of the limitations and risks that come with our services. We reserve the right to terminate your access to our site and its services at any time or change them in a way we deem fit.

We’re not liable for any damage, and you’re not entitled to receive any compensation, even if we’ve caused the damage by breaking our contract. We also don’t offer liability for bodily injury, health or loss of human life.

You can also review our About Us, Contact Us and Privacy Policy pages.